Where Are We Going? Here, There, Everywhere

Originally born from a desire to document my travels abroad and cultivate a more consistent creative writing practice, this space for words has expanded to encompass many worlds, internal and real, external and warped.

Why Subscribe?

Why do we read anything?

Because we’re nosey.

Because we want to escape.

Because we want to be transported to another place without having to buy a plane ticket.

Because reading someone else’s writing allows us to connect with another human, whom we may only ever know as a name on a page (or a screen).

Because reading connects us with our humanness.

In the case of this newsletter, subscribe for whatever reason you like. Whatever it is, I hope you find something unexpected yet familiar in my words.

Behind the Byline: Who Am I?

There’s an open-ended answer to that pointed question—and I’m still trying to find the words to answer it (in part, by writing this). So, perhaps the more fruitful question is who do I want to be? After all, who we are can’t be summarized in a bio. We’re constantly being created day by day, experience by experience. Living is an act of creating, changing, evolving.

Who I am right now won’t be who I am when I finish writing this bio, when I arrive back stateside from my travels. If I had to sum it up in a tagline, though, I guess you could say I’m a creative close-looker.

Perhaps a better question, at this moment, may be who was I?

I was a “precocious little girl” (as my mother says) who loved to play dress up outside all day. Despite my spelling challenges, I majored in English, with a concentration in writing, and double minored in art history and nutrition & food science. In my leave of absence from school, I started a blog, which then petered out and collected digital dust in a kind of internet purgatory before being permanently deleted. (Full disclosure: This writing project may succumb to a similar fate.) Post-undergrad, I found myself teaching/mentoring at a private school that specialized in a one-to-one teaching model—teaching English, creative writing, art, psychology, humanities, and health courses—and starting my freelancing career. After teaching sex-ed to high school boys, I thought to myself: I can do anything.

For a polished, professional look at me (my portfolio and all my freelance offerings), visit my website. If you like little squares, check out my Instagram.

How to Stay Up-To-Date

Every new edition of this project can go directly to your inbox. Just click that “subscribe” button below. There will be musings, ramblings, food reviews, landscape descriptions, tangential essays—the works. Whatever the day/week/month and locale presents.

How to Show Your Support

Right now, it’s free to subscribe (because who am I to charge you to read my words…yet). If you’d like to assign some monetary value to what I’m doing here, pledge to be a paid subscriber in the future.

In the meantime, the best way to show your support is to like and comment. If you crack a smile, shed a tear, or have a lil’ giggle while reading, consider sharing via social media, with your family, your friends, your coworkers, your hairdresser.

Share Here, There, Everywhere

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Writings from a young woman as she travels abroad and back home, into the recesses of her own mind, and down rabbit holes.


Writer, copyeditor, former teacher, avid home cook, overthinker, & close-looker. 💌 Author of the newsletter HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE.